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major project

1. Revised and expanded Research Major Project Proposal Refer to guidelines given in last semesters final brief e.g. context, site, stakeholders, program, agenda, intent, scope and required existing or regulatory information.

Intention. Agenda. Motivation

Discuss your motivation for the future direction of the research inquiry.

What is your intention for the Research Major Project?

What is your research question?


In semester one, my research project has explored adaptable living spaces that is designed to facilitate children as learning and playing spaces. Going forward, I want to explore domestic spaces but with a reverse point of view. In which, adaptable living spaces is designed from a child’s point of view / is inspired by children. Why? As our living spaces evolve, the layout of homes are often pre-determined. Assigned spaces such as bedroom, bathroom, kitchen etc. are permanently partitioned. This signifies that as designers and dwellers, we have evolved to maintain a certain standard of living spaces that is inflexible to change. By adapting a child’s point of view, the approach is open to imagination, and is not restricted to standards. Approached with a playful point of view, can be more engaging and relaxing.


How can children’s point of view influence the design of adaptable living?


How can a playful atmosphere inform interior living conditions?

How important is perception when it comes to designing space of inhabitation?

2. Context Identify the social, cultural, theoretical, environmental, technological, institutional setting for the project.


In semester one, I explored my research through the context of ‘change’ and ‘metabolism’, utilizing the key words ‘ever-lasting and ever-changing’. Carrying on from this idea, I think my contextual approach going forward touches on the topic of sustainability and the reuse of spaces. It will respond to how, as of now every inch of land is being developed into metropolitan areas, constructed of permanent materials such as concrete that could last forever. The infrastructures that are growing leaves no space for further development, therefore in the future rather than building from scratch we must adapt to renovating, reusing and redesigning existing spaces that are within the infrastructures we build today. Whether it is high rise, apartment units, warehouse or factories. The interior is temporary. If today, we are designing and building infrastructures that are standardized to pre-determined layouts and function, going forward how can we adapt to the existing infrastructure but generate a lifestyle that is active and open-form?


Excerpt from Research Book: Beginning from a thought, about how the earth rotates at 1000 miles per hour, on an axis once every 24 hours, revolving around the sun once per year and this cycle never stops, meant that the evolution, growth, and change of humans are as well in constant motion. This changing nature of the earth and humans impact environmental and societal growth, in which human either thrive to adapt or situates themselves as the developer of change. These ideas lead me to question: What is propelling change? What was the past of change? And What is the future of change? Where change coinciding with ‘Temporary Eternity’ captures permanent and provisional qualities of tangible and intangible subjects.  

4. Audience. Occupants. Demographic. User Group

Who will encounter, experience, use, engage the design?

Do you have a specific demographic or audience in mind?

The research will respond and experiment with various case studies of various user groups because the project will be tested upon adaptability and flexibility.

-    Single Household

-    1 generation family: Husband and wife

-    2 generations family: Father, mother, son, and daughter

-    3 generations family: Grandparents, husband, wife, and children


The idea of ‘multigenerational home’ bridges the connection between children’s perspective and adults. The idea of ever-changing and ever-lasting stemmed from the idea of ‘human metamorphosis’, in which our identity and outer-shell remain ever-lasting but our physical and mental knowledge is ever-changing. Therefore, the research explores the connection between the beginning and phases of metamorphosis.


5. Stakeholders, Who do the project involve and engage? For example, a particular community, individual, local council, industry, cultural organization. Who will invest? Who will support and attain this project?


I think this project will involve the city as an urban planning strategy/solution that aims to renew and sustain urban development from an interior approach. Developers that are interested in adaptations and reviving existing infrastructure. Homeowners are looking for a flexible lifestyle. Homeowners with a family structure of various generations. Users who are looking for a home in an open-form and adaptive community that is engaging with space and people.

7. Design Approach How will you approach the next stage of design exploration?

Discuss key strategies and techniques you will use.

What are the next steps? Identifying technologies and the way you will resolve the project.

3. A clarification of your techniques, processes and approaches. Include a few key references of your previous process work to help articulate the and demonstrate your way of working and practicing.


At this point, I think my goal is to design a living system that is adaptable and flexible, responding to the key issues of renewinig existing infrastructures for sustainable purposes, and bridging the connection between generations through open form living. Therefore, I hope to develop 3 key modular components that will live, assist and become a core component of this living system. I plan to design and iterate the modules through sketch, 3d modeling and physically model that is possibly handmade and 3d printed. When tested in key scenarios, I intend to use projection to crreate intervention into the space and display the function and interaction between user and module. 


Through the idea of perception to redefine how people inhabit space. I wanted to initiate an experimentation, in which I asked  a kid (my niece) to draw what they call home. I briefly told her to draw what she imagines her home to be, what kind of spaces she would like, who will be living in that space and that she is can draw in anything she wants even if its not realistic. After she finished the drawing, I asked her some questions on about why she choose a certain color, or place a certain in a specific place. It was an insightful experimentation that allowed me to look from a child’s perspective. A question I asked her was ‘why did you choose to have a blue door’, and ‘why do you have a snake in the house that is roaming around freely’. Her answer was simple, ‘why not? its fun’. 

‘For me, perception is key to how we approach, interpret and produce reality. I first became fascinated by the phenomenon of the afterimage, for example, because I realised it demonstrated how clearlt reality is not only about the object out there in the world being perceived but also about our own sensory apparatus. The afterimage is a relic of what we have seen that is produced by our eyes and brain. It is inside us. There is, I believe, a liberating potential in relecting on our senses, on perception, in seeing our own role in how we create the world. Understanding that we are co-creating our shared reality can be empowering and can lead to action.’                                                                                                       - Olafur Eliasson



living systems

Living systems are open self-organizing life forms that interact with their environment. These systems are maintained by flows of information, energy and matter. Living systems theory is a general theory about the existence of all living systems, their structure, interaction, behavior and development.

Sem 1 Keywords:

Temporaray Eternity

Permanently Provisional

Ever-lasting Ever-changing



Metabolism / Metamorphosis



Sem 2 Keywords:






multigenerational household

  • multiple living spaces: dedicated living area for each generation

  • multiple levels to spread out the family

  • communal and private spaces to enjoy time together and apart

  • multiple entrances

  • accessibility for elders and children

  • height adjustability

  • orientation (sun and shade) natural and artificial lighting

  • acitivty engagement

  • convertible spaces - dual purposes

  • prefabrication of components greenery components

  • adapt overtime


1. structure : levels  - the interior  - play with level allows the architecture to act as furniture - visual connection between the spaces


2. layout - flexibility, adaptability, convertible


3. public & private


4. circular economy in lifestyle




house na, sou fujimoto


bioscleave house, arakawa and madeline gins

procedural architecture

house in miyamoto, tat architects




1. interior as structural level, furniture and threshold  - adaptable, adjustable, movable

‘this work of ‘procedural architecture’ operates against the aging process by triggering cognitive understanding via multiple scales, gradient colors, diagonal symmetry, two pairs of serpentine-like handrails, and different colored staircase stone steps.’ (1).gif


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- Is the living system, one household, or a community?

- Will the living system is vertically or horizontally spread out?

- Many families will be living in 'the living system'?

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Space10 and EFFEKT - The Urban Living Project


Condensation Cube - Hans Hacke

‘a living organism is an open system that continuously changes depending on its dialogue or interaction with the environment’                                                                                                                                                            - Hans Hacke


Vijayawada Garden Tower - Penda Architects


Rather than picking a site to situate my design, I've chosen an area that my design can respond to its conditions. The site is an area called Beoung Kak, located in Phnom Penh Cambodia. Once was the largest lake in the capital of Cambodia, which has been leased over by the government to a private investor who has filled the lake with sand in order to urbanize and developed the area. 

I've chosen this site because:

  • Some of the main cultural values in Cambodia involve respect for the elder (anyone who is older), especially in a family structure. Multigenerational living is a norm in Cambodian culture, as it is believed to be a responsibility to look after thus live with elders and children at all times. Currently, there are minimal nursing homes and daycares, therefore it is ideal for family of different generations to live together. Although this is a norm in Cambodia, the lifestyle and space they currently dwell in do not fully accommodate the aspects I aim propose in my design.  I think that as Beoung Kak is planned to be the new CBD of Phnom Penh, it is a great location to introduce this concept of contemporary multigenerational living that will engrain in the city the importance of the issue and issue, residential design and co-living. 

  • Boeung Kak is an ongoing development project that will allow the project to introduce a way of life in Cambodia.

  • Sustainably through footprint, Boeun Kak is an ideal and convenient location for residents. Transport, food, wellbeing etc.


further development

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Responsive Environment - Responsive to Human Occupation

- The change in transparency of space/ room creates a visual connection between levels and age groups. 

- The interior environment eliminates isolation and disconnection.

- The transparency consider elders and children safety and well-being, allowing the residents to be fully aware 

- There is privacy within a public structure 

Tokyo Toilet Project - Shigeru Ban (9).gif
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Private Little Worlds: AW House by Andra Martin

Blurring the boundaries: Gomati House by SPASM Design


Sharifi-ha House (1).gif
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vernacular architecture in cambodia


Communnity Agriculture School by Squire and Partners


Community Hall by Orient Occident Atelier

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